World Tour - Europe, Asia, North and South America - Entries for: Kyrgyzstan

InReach Route
  • TWT_16-06-28_15-31-31_DSC05731
26° | sunny | km 869

Land of horses

on 2016-06-28 in
After we had crossed the border we were pleasantly surprised by the good road conditions. We rode to Sarytasch and decided to go further towards Osh. The road was great and we had a lot of fun riding on tarmac again. The Taldyk Pass was a beautiful mountain pass with many turns and corners. We had not expected to be back on such roads so soon so we rode further than expected. On the side of the road were a lot of herdsman and some good looking yurts. Instead of sheeps or donkeys the shepherds rode on large horses. It was incredible that even little kids already rode these big animals without any problem whatsoever.

We decided that we wanted to camp again and invited Mirjam to join us. She was eager to do so and showed us here tent and gear. So we bought some noodles for dinner, filled up our tanks benzine and went off in the search of a proper camp spot. We soon had success and after we set everything up we started cooking. Sadly our stove still had some bad benzine from Pamir in it so it clogged up but luckily we were able to finish our dinner thanks to Mirjams stove. So in the end we managed to cook some of the best pasta we had in a long time and enjoyed each others company while eating.

The next day we got up just to see that there were a couple of horses and their keepers close to our tents. They were very interested in our gear and so we showed them our tents and camping gear whilst we packed everything back up. We then left as quietly as possible. At lunchtime we were invited by a very friendly Mr. John, that kept telling Mirjam to be his wife. It was a very relaxed lunch and we were a bit sad to split up with Mirjam already. We were sure that our paths would cross in the future again so we hugged it out and headed our separate ways.

We took the direct route to Bishkek and were accompanied by good roads and beautiful scenery all the way to the city. We had met some bikers from there in Dushanbe and so we decided to stay at their place until we got our stuff sorted out. Our major plan was to organize our Chinese visa. After our arrival we soon found out that we forgot to send some documents which is why we would not be able to get the Chinese visa yet. We spent the next couple of days in Bishkek updating our blog and organizing our videos. Ali, one of the bikers at the club, showed us the city and helped us with any requests that we had. We decided to head to the lake Issyk Kul to spend some time at the beach and enjoy some time off.
InReach Route
  • TWT_16-07-03_13-52-33_DSC05751
25° | sunny / cloudy | km 460

Red is the new brown

on 2016-07-03 in Kyrgyzstan
To have a bit of vacation from our hard travels ;) we decided to go to the sea named Issyk Kul. It was only a days ride away from Bishkek. Sadly the weather turned to the worse once we had arrived at the sea. Only Basti ignored the cold storm that was arising and jumped in to the nice blue water.

At night, further at midnight Germany was playing Italy in the European championship. An old classic which we made sure to watch. It was a nerve-racking game which we expected to end in a penalty shootout. After a lot of missed shots and some very close goals during the penalty kicks Germany finally managed to beat Italy in a major tournament. We were incredibly relieved and slept well that night.

The next day we got up late and decided to go to the beach right away. We jumped into the nice water with a great view of the surrounding mountains, enjoyed ice cream and let the sun shine on our skin. Since we had spent the last 10 Weeks in our riding gear we were convinced it was enough to use little to no sun cream. The effect of this decision we had to live with at night. With brightly red colored bodies we had to dry of very carefully after taking a shower. Rubbing the towel to hard against our bodies resulted in burning pain!

The last couple of kilometers to the border of Kyrgyzstan and Kasachstan went without any problems and luckily we did not have any problems crossing into Kasachstan either.